Fruits Range

Sri Lanka is an ideal nursery for succulent tropical fruit such as pineapple, jack, mangosteen, avocado, star fruit, passion fruit, rambutan, and anoda, etc which are known far and wide for their rich unique flavors, aromas with bright appetizing colours. Also, they’re known to contain a large number of nutrients and entail significant health benefits. With a consumer-base that is increasingly health-conscious, the global demand for Sri Lankan fruit is clearly on the rise.

Besides fruits and vegetables, Sri Lanka also grows various endogenous yams (Lecranthus and Xanthasoma sagittifolium), underwater stems (Lasia spinosa and Nymphea lotus) and fruit and pods of perennial crops such as bread fruit and young jackfruit which are both local and international favorites.


Benefits of Fruits

  1. Boost Energy- When you eat fruits, your supply of energy boosts in no time; this is one of the key benefits of fruits that we can utilize in our busy lives This is the reason why athletes often eat fruit during and after exercise and why diets for pregnant mothers almost always involve fruits.
  2. Heart Health - Fruits like banana, berries, grapefruit, and orange are great for protecting your heart as they are rich in flavonoids, fiber, potassium, and magnesium. Fruits also contain vitamins and folate, all of which aid in regulating cholesterol levels and preventing diseases like stroke, atherosclerosis, and heart attack.
  3. Cancer - Vitamin-rich fruits are great for prevention and treatment of many types of cancer like liver cancer and breast cancer. These include soursop, goji berry and citrus. When consumed regularly, fruits can show hepatoprotective properties which help in driving away cancer.
  4. Blood Pressure – Potassium rich fruits like banana, apple, melons, plums, pear, apricots, and mango help in lowering hypertension. These minerals have been connected to regulating blood pressure owing to its vasodilating properties.
  5. Aid in Digestion - Fibrous fruits help the digestive process in our body. The skin of some fruits is also rich in dietary fiber, which is a major contributing factor in proper digestion and the excretion process of your body, while simultaneously keeping you safe from problems like gastritis and constipation.
